Mr iso started big Love

Oct 7, 2023 - 02:19
Oct 7, 2023 - 02:20
 0  37
Mr iso started big Love

Mr. iso was learning more and more surprising information every day. Never in his life had anyone surprised him so much. all this coincidences was just too much sometimes he thinks it's a big game. He felt like he was on the Truman Show. but now the first part of this love has already passed. Mr iso had been in shock for a few days. These were the kinds of feelings he didn't know much about. Although he was a man, he was as relaxed as if he were talking to someone he had known for 60 years. a girl was just impressing him with words. it was as if Mr. iso remembered every word as if it were his lost key. He was very worried about tomorrow. He lay on the bed, put on his headphones and turned on his favorite song. How ready was he for what would happen tomorrow, and he was so confused. He should have thought about what would happen next and made plans, but he wasn't thinking rationally right now.His hands were shaking while he was typing the story on the phone because he didn't have enough English to explain it. but he wanted these feelings to be written down and kept hidden forever. maybe he would look back at these lines when he had accomplished everything. The mystery of God's path was too much.Will Mr. iso find himself in other parts of the story, this story was continuing to be written. The author of the story was no longer Mr. ISO, the universe itself was drawing a path for iso had finally given the expected speech it was a very difficult step for him. There had never been anyone else in his life that had excited him so much. During the video talk, he was very excited and scared. He couldn't take his hand off his face to hide his fear. he was always trying to hide her face. Lion was a very understanding girl, but she said she loved him and tried hard to calm him down. Mr. Iso still couldn't get over the shock. Every time I looked at the lion's face, certain images were coming to life in his brain, and he was suddenly focused on the corners of the lion's lips, as if he was remembering all the lines, which was incredibly scary because he was remembering the details of a person he had never seen before. the softness of their hair, their scent seemed so iso was getting lost in the details now his brain was blown..he had failed in the video speech, he could not find the words to speak. He wanted it to be over immediately, but he couldn't get enough of looking at the lion's face. The voice of the lion was now burning in his mind. After the conversation, they continued to message him. The lion was talking to him about how much he loved him. Mr. Ison had a permanent smile on his face. He was smiling all the time while writing the message. Buds of love were sprouting within him. He was receiving a lot of love for someone who hadn't been loved for years. peace filled his heart this sad giant was laughing at last... he lay on the bed he should make plans for the future he wanted to think more about them but he was drunk with happiness.. by iso

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